Currently Helping
Lost Life
7 Year old Elene Davadze was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
last spring. Mother noticed tuberous hardness on girl's throat. She
also had temperature and weakness. According to the doctor's
advice, the child was transferrd to Iashvili Clinic.
Demetre Chitorelidze is 2 years old. He was diagnosed with
embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma and undergoes treatment since last
year's march. Parents have noticed a little newgrowth on the
child's shoulder. They immediately applied to the doctor. The
result of biopsy was sent to Germany.
In july 2013 Lisa's stomach started aching. After the medical
research at Iashvili Clinic next diagnose was set: germ cell tumor,
small pelvic cavity tumor "teratoma", a tumor of a vitellicle.
According to the doctors’ decision 6 courses of chemotherapy were
Giorgi Bibiluri is 7 years old, he has been diagnosed with Wilms
tumor's fourth stage with metastases. After the chemotherapy course
conducted in LifeMed clinic, tumor decreased in size, metastases
cleared away, operation was decided by the surgeon. New diagnose
was set - nephroblastoma. At this stage chemotherapy and
irradiation courses are conducted. Periodically,
magnetic-resonance-imaging is done. Currently, the disease can be
Contact Person: Ksenia (mother) 574054608
Contact Person: Ksenia (mother) 574054608
Barbare Avaliani fights against cancer since 2008. Now she is 13
years old. Diagnose is the same: right cerebellar hemisphere tumor.
Five operations have already been performed in the Turkish Ajibadem
Clinic. Barbara can't move independently, periodically, her
condition gets worse
Mariam Paraskebashvili was born with rare anomaly - atresia of
gall-bladder. 6 months old baby had liver transplant surgery in
Izmir Clinic, Turkey. Operation was successful. Once in six months,
the child was taken to a doctor in Turkey and her health condition
was normal.
Mariam Guchmanidze got ill after planned vaccination, when she was
just 2 years old. According to the doctor's decsion urgent
operation was conducted, right-sided nephrectomy.
Mate Tchanturia was diagnosed with unspecified tumor on the brain
when he was just 4 months old. Now he is 1 year old and still
continues treatment in Turkey, at Hajetepe University Clinic. He
has undergone different chemotherapy courses, the condition is
relatively improved. Neurosurgeon does not consider surgical
intervention at this stage. Mate should visit Hajetepe University
Clinic for consultation. Periodically, he undergoes
magnetic-resonance-imaging in Georgia. Little Mate is under
constant supervision of Dimitri Tsintadze Foundation, as the
doctors promise, he soon will be completely cured.
Merab (Buka) Nikuradze is 8 years old, on fifth of february he was
diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Buka and his mother
are living in onco-hematology department of Iashvili clinic for
more than 2 months. After the chemotherapy course cytopenia was
developed and little buka was transferred to resuscitation area.
13 year old Nino Kakashvili was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic
leukemia. After the course of chemotherapy fungal infection
Results of donations
sum amount 10749.2