How the fund helps the beneficiaries:
1. There is a diagnosis in onco-hematology that is only cured by
bone marrow transplantation. This operation is not available in
Georgia and even abroad the price varies between 75 000 - 100 000
euros. Fund partially finances expenses needed for this operation.
As a result of joint cooperation with the Ministry of Health and
"Solidarity Fund" based on Iashvili Clinic's medical conclusion, we
were able to send children for treatment in the city of Verona,
Italy and Frankfurt Clinics, Germany.
2. Bone Marrow transplantation is not only problem in
onco-hematology. There are medical researches that can not be
performed because of inappropriate equipment or other causes. Such
is complicated form of lung fungal disease - if it is not revealed
in time, for small patients it can end with fatal result. We have a
tragic example of it. The death of Luka Lomouri was the result of
delayed revelation of this problem. In conclusion, we can say that
there is not preventive examinations of patients due to the absence
of appropriate equipment. Another problem is in financing
additional planned examinations during the
magnetic-resonance-imaging or during the protection therapy.
According to our information, state insurance does not take this
kind of procedures into account, and families can hardly find the
necessary amount of money. Our fund also finances these medical
3. There are problems related to the quality of Irradiation
procedures in Georgia. This is a medical manipulation which can be
performed in Georgia but due to absence of experience and lack of
knowledge of adequate equipments it ends with not a desirable
result. Consecuently, with the request of financing this procedure
abroad, patients with leukemia and severe cancer often apply to the
Fund. Fund finances this kind of manipulation in Turkey and
4. There is also a problem of certain medication for the patients
with oncological and hematological diseases, which is not provided
by clinics during the treatment process and patients cannot afford
them independently. The fund successfully cooperates with the
pharmacy center "Pharmadepot" and provides necessary medicines for
patients. Fund itself buys the most expensive drugs, which are not
available in Georgia, for instance, Voriconazole, Tioguanine from
Turkey and Italy.
5. With our experience, state insurance does not cover all the
expenses for the chemotherapy. Several patients applied to the
Foundation with the request to cover the existing liabilities in
the clinic "LifieMed" and provide additional chemotherapy course
and the fund fully reimbursed the debt. 6. Oncological patients
often need the research or surgical operation, which are not
available in Georgia, but abroad in most cases, everything is done
successfully. Patients apply to us and we cover their research,
travel and hotel expenses as far as possible.
Plenty of Children need our help. A new application comes to the
fund nearly everyday. Unfortunately, we cannot help children who
have serious health problems but are not oncology patients. The
fund exists on donations and all the above mentioned cases were
implemented with received financial aids and small donations from
charity evenings which were held by enthusiastic journalists.
Currently Helping
Our mission
Results of donations
sum amount 10749.2
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