This guy with beautiful eyes is Gabriel Maisuradze.
In February he was diagnosed with aplastic anemia in Iashvili
Clinic. His illness was assessed as heavy and he was flown to
Israel for urgent stem cell transplantation.
Prior to that, Gabriel needs medications, his socially unprotected family can't afford them. Our fund with "Pharmadepot" helps him as far as we can. If you have good will and will stand together with us, we will be able to end his disease.
Share Charity, please call 0901080806 or transfer the money:
Bank of Georgia: BAGAGE22
Account Number: GE62BG0000000996577500
Account Number: GE98TB7517536080100003
Receiver: Dimitri Tsintsadze Foundation
You can also donate from our website -
Choose Charity from paybox and then Dimitri Tsintsadze Foundation