Currently Helping

Andria Khupenia
This lovely boy is Andria Khuphenia. He was sitting just like that as I walked to him. He began talking right away. You can't imagine how cheerful and kind he is. I fell in love with him in just seconds.
Mahammad Binatov
At the age of 3, Mahammad was diagnosed with aplastic anemia. The transplantation surgery was carried out in Medipol Clinic, Istanbul. At this stage his health condition is satisfactory, but for the complete cure we have long-lasting protection therapy.
Dimitri Amitchba
Dimitri Amitchba is the first beneficiary, we started as a newly established charitable organization with Dima's case, he had fully recovered from leukemia. Unfortunately, the history of Dima's illness has not ended.
Tako Kontselidze
Tako kontselidze is 7 years old and was diagnosed with promyelocytic leukemia at Iashvili Clinic. Her health conditions were assessed as heavy.
Gabriel Maisuradze

This guy with beautiful eyes is Gabriel Maisuradze.
In February he was diagnosed with aplastic anemia in Iashvili Clinic. His illness was assessed as heavy and he was flown to Israel for urgent stem cell transplantation.

Journalists are again fighting for the colleague's life

We, the journalists, came together when our colleague's and friend's, the cameraman Dimitri Tsintsadze's life was under the threat. We collected the necessary amount for his treatment and when the goal was achieved and Dimitri continued treatment in Germany, we did not stop! We decided to establish a charitable foundation that would help children who are suffering from the diseases like Dimitri, with leukemia and cancer.
Today we have 167 beneficiaries. Unfortunately, again our colleague needs us.
In our foundation's charter is written that if the journalist, operator, technical personnel or someone employed in media will need us, we will try to mobilize money to our account.
After the three years, we had to put into operation the paragraph 2 of the charter.
Employee of the Public Broadcaster, the technical producer of Moambe, Mariam Chelidze needs your support. Mako has malignant tumor of thyroid and lymphatic gland. The condition was assessed as heavy. She had an urgent and very risky operation at Ajibadem Clinic. 9000 dollars were transferred from the Ministry of Health Georgia and Tbilisi City Hall. This is not all, Mariam should have a full course of Radioactive iodine therapy in the same clinic, for this, large amounts of money are needed and all the resources should be allocated by us. Time is running out! Do not postpone, join us, save a colleague, who has been taking care of our beneficiaries before.

Bank of Georgia: BAGAGE22
Account Number: GE25BG0000000690758700
Receiver: Dimitri Tsintsadze Foundation
Also currency accounts are opened.

Results of donations

sum amount 10749.2

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