Currently Helping

Andria Khupenia
This lovely boy is Andria Khuphenia. He was sitting just like that as I walked to him. He began talking right away. You can't imagine how cheerful and kind he is. I fell in love with him in just seconds.
Mahammad Binatov
At the age of 3, Mahammad was diagnosed with aplastic anemia. The transplantation surgery was carried out in Medipol Clinic, Istanbul. At this stage his health condition is satisfactory, but for the complete cure we have long-lasting protection therapy.
Dimitri Amitchba
Dimitri Amitchba is the first beneficiary, we started as a newly established charitable organization with Dima's case, he had fully recovered from leukemia. Unfortunately, the history of Dima's illness has not ended.
Tako Kontselidze
Tako kontselidze is 7 years old and was diagnosed with promyelocytic leukemia at Iashvili Clinic. Her health conditions were assessed as heavy.
Gabriel Maisuradze

This guy with beautiful eyes is Gabriel Maisuradze.
In February he was diagnosed with aplastic anemia in Iashvili Clinic. His illness was assessed as heavy and he was flown to Israel for urgent stem cell transplantation.

"The battle in which I won with hope" - Ledi Megrelishvili

Do you know how powerful can be one day, one phone call or one word? Have you thought that in one "beautiful” day your life will change? "Nowelty" will come into your life and will quickly become a habit.

The panic will cover all of your body. You will be afraid of everything: life, death, love and lovelessness. It will crawl on you, will conquer you, will chose the best place in you and will settle down. The other will feel pity, will panic and will tell you hopeful words but at the end they will get tired and go away. Only those will stay who are worried about you and your future.

You will gather your parents, relatives, friends and start fighting. This will not be a fight with a sword, a spear, a shield or a firearm. You will fight with your mind, hope, courage and strengths. It will be difficult, very difficult. Every morning you will have to look at your mother who has tears in her eyes. They will bring you medicine. You will look at each drop that passes through the pipe and joins your body. Like you don't feel everything but you start to slowly realize that it eats you from inside and makes you weak. It follows you like a ghost. Reminds about itself to you. Everybody looks at you, kids will ask their parents: what's the matter with her?

Returning home you think how many people supported you, how many of them gave even just one lari for saving your life. You will fall but will get up again. Everything gets complicated when you wake up in the morning and ask yourself: can I endure this today? Can I? Will I survive? ... And then you convince yourself that everything will be fine.

This is my life. Difficult life, which is a dazzling game, jump with a parachute. I endure and I won. I believed in happy anding. Despite difficult days, I didn't lose smile, because I'm the queen of positivity! Cannot be different. I am sitting in a roller coaster and going only forward.

Ledi Megrelishvili


Results of donations

sum amount 10749.2

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